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Quitting Weed
met 128 reacties

Read about how I managed to quit weed recently, what the biggest obstacles were and how I overcame them.

My Wisdom On Motivation
met 82 reacties

Discover the secret I recently discovered about motivation.

Paralyzed By Insecurity
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Insecurity can lead to paralysis and many unwanted thoughts. This is the story of how I’ve been dealing with insecurity issues in my life.

How I Found Happiness
met 96 reacties

This is a summary of how my travels led to a path of spiritual growth and happiness.

What Is Love?
met 294 reacties

In a world and age where information flies us by so rapidly it can be hard to figure out the most fundamental thing in existence, love. But what is it, according to me?

Happy Birthday
met 1.854 reacties

A lovely anecdote on how I view the significance of my birthday, my knowledge and the world of creation.