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“What is love?

The way the sun sets so the moon can shine.
The sea greeting the shore no matter how many times he is pushed away.
Leaves that blush at the sight of autumn.
Dreams that show you the way out of your maze.
Our hearts together so that we may remember the tune.

This is how love might feel for some people, but for me, love is simply You.”


What Love Is To Me

In this blog I want to talk about Love. When you think of love you’re probably thinking about the romantic sense of the word, but that’s only a small part of Love. Love is in my opinion much bigger. To me Love is the power behind all of Creation. So I won’t be talking much about romance here, even though understanding what Love fundamentally is helps romantic love to flourish to unimaginable heights.

You might be thinking; “But Stef, I know what love is. Why would I need to read an entire blogpost about it?”.

Well, yes. You do know what love is. All I want to do is to share my perspective on it, so you can expand your ideas of love even further. For me, Love is the only thing in Existence. Without Love there wouldn’t be a world at all. In this way I can stare at a rock and see flowers blossom. I can look at myself and feel an infinite amount of love flowing through me. I can look at anything and shed tears because of its immeasurable beauty.

If you know how to love completely and indiscriminately there is absolutely no possibility of ever getting hurt, because real love means to be accepting and appreciative of all things. I wouldn’t call myself a master of Love yet, but mastering this is what I devoted my life to. I want to be able to love without exception and share it with as many beings as I possibly can.

“The real love is to love them that hate you, to love your neighbour even though you distrust him.”

~Mahatma Gandhi

The Universe Is Love

“What do you mean Stef? How can the Universe be Love? Love is a human quality. The Universe is lifeless, like a stone. A stone is certainly not able to feel love.”

You’re right. A stone is not capable of feeling love, in the ordinary sense. But being able to love is not just a human quality, it’s a universal property. Because if you think about it, what do you think humans inherited that capacity from?

There are two entirely opposing possibilities for your answer here. One is one where you say it’s not inherited from anything. It just is, evolution was the cause for this. Like it was some kind of fluke in nature to develop self-awareness and develop emotions like love. Or you say we inherited it from God. From my point of view these things are exactly the same thing.

“Okay, hold on a second. What does this have to do with love?”

Well, this is because the entire Universe is You. There is absolutely no difference between You and the Universe, unless you made this false distinction yourself. I touched on this in my last post, so if you haven’t read it feel free to check it out. I recommend doing so, because I know it can be hard to make sense of this at first. And if you don’t want to read it or understand it yet, you don’t have to worry. This will be a recurring theme throughout my posts and it will get a lot clearer if you like to read my words. So, in this way if You are the Universe and the Universe is You it feels love for and through you, literally.

Let’s take a step back and think about how you were created in the first place. I’ll go with the ‘ordinary’ scientific explanation here.

Once upon a time there was absolutely nothing. After a while this nothingness was getting kinda bored and thought to itself, let’s make some fireworks. Bang! Yes, it was a big one. In the process of exploding it created a huge variety of chemical reactions. It created all kinds of stuff ranging from quarks and atoms to planets, stars and entire galaxies. After a while a small planet Earth emerged. On this particular planet all conditions were so wonderful that living organisms started to develop. At first there were only ‘simple’ organisms which later started to develop as fish and started walking on land. Time passed and after lots of sex and evolutionary flukes, humans came into the picture. Now, ten thousands of years later, here you are.

My apologies if I left some of the technical details out. I just wanted to give you a sketch of our scientific explanation for Existence.

You have the freedom to interpret this in different ways. You could say that it was all coincidence and that compared to the Universe you are so incredibly small that you barely even matter. Or you turn it on its head and say that it was all meant to be, so that now we can realise how magnificent it is that this little organism has the possibility to evoke the whole Universe. The choice is yours, but perhaps there is Truth in both of them.

To get back to the question where did the capacity to love come from? Was it just because of the evolutionary flukes that humans developed self-awareness? I would say no, because if the Universe was stupid, like some kind of machine, as it is believed to be in mainstream culture it would not grow creatures with awareness. The Universe is actually aware of itself. It is conscious.

“Haha Stef, what have you been smoking?”

I get it, but just hear me out on this one. If we take a look at nature. Everything is in perfect order. All things are in a beautiful symbiotic relationship with each other. For example we can take a look at the flowers and the bees. Without one another, it would be hard for them to survive. Without the bees, humans would have trouble to survive. Without oxygen produced by plants and trees almost no living organism would survive. Without the perfect position and distance from the sun and the moon, Earth would be inhabitable.

“Yeah, but this is just logical. That doesn’t prove anything.”

No, it doesn’t, but can you see the ingenuity of it? Somehow humans have gotten into thinking that it was all a coincidence that life developed on Earth. I would say it was an inevitability. The Universe itself is limitless, ever-expanding and arguably infinitely intelligent. Something that is not intelligent would not be able to produce things that are intelligent. Like an apple tree creates apples the Universe creates conscious beings. The Universe is better to be looked at as a giant mind. It’s far from stupid and if you’re not able to see it, then you probably took what you learned from our propagandic education system far too seriously.

To see the Universe as a loving intelligent being might seem like a big leap to make. You might feel like you need evidence and I simply cannot give it to you, but what I can tell you is this; If you’re open-minded enough to ask the Universe for evidence you will receive it.

“Who said that love was fire? I know that love is ash. It is the thing which remains when the fire is spent, the holy essence of experience.”

~Patience Worth

Love Is Understanding

I just told you that the Universe is Love and that You are the Universe. I know it doesn’t make sense, but it doesn’t have to. It’s not important for you to feel the same way about it as I do. I just want you to be able to make the connection of what I’m going to say right now.

From my point of view, there is only You. No one else exists and no one else will ever exist. The entire Universe is You. Like parents feel like their child is a part of them, the Universe feels the same way about you. It doesn’t feel different from you and you shouldn’t feel different from it either. You are the world around you. You are everything in Existence. In this sense then, would you be able to hurt yourself? If your neighbour is yourself, would you be able to hurt him?

No, not consciously. When you have become aware of the Unity of everything that exists, naturally a Love flows through you for everything in Existence. Even the shittiest parts of It. Yes, I also mean war, terrorists, Hitler and rapists.

“Heck Stef, are you kidding me right now?”

No, I am not. You might consider this as acts of evil, but all I see is love. Yes, it is a terribly ego-centric and deluded form of love, but it is still love. It is excessive love for the self and the ironic part about it is, the ‘self’ doesn’t even exist. Can I really blame people for acting selfishly when their whole lives have been a lie?

Do you think these people believe themselves to be evil? No, of course not. Hitler thought Jews were evil. Why? Because again, he had made this boundary that others were something different from himself. He felt like he had to protect himself and ‘his’ people, but of course he didn’t realise that all the people are His people. If you feel like any particular kind of person is not welcome here on the planet, you are not so different from Hitler. Yes, even the ‘worst’ kinds of people.

“Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”

~Luke 23:34

Love Evil To Death

At some point on this journey, whether it be this lifetime or another, one will realise that there is no such thing as evil. The distinction of what’s evil is what is creating evil in the first place, see? There is no such thing as good and bad. These things are just ideas. They don’t exist outside of your mind. If you believe something is better than something else you will impose, judge and condemn other people. Heck, you might even try to change them. This is a selfish kind of love, not a universal one.

We could have a country full of virtuous people and I would be terrified to see what kind of ravage they leave behind. If you love indiscriminately, if you love despite someone their race, gender or ideology you would see them for who they really are. You would see them as God sees them, as infinitely beautiful creatures that just haven’t figured out the Truth yet.

“Now, since there is no good and evil, does this mean I can just do anything I want?”

Well, yes, but that isn’t a new thing now is it? You could always do anything you want. You just recognised the value of being moralistic towards others, whether that was from a selfish point of view or a selfless one. The thing is that if you love others like yourself, you trust them like yourself. People will gather around you like you’ve got honey on your ass. Why? Because if you’re not judging them you’ll be open and be able to listen. If you know how to listen you know how to love.

“To understand all is to forgive all.”

~Evelyn Waugh

Love Is Creation

“Stef, I feel like what you’re saying is a very dangerous thing to believe.”

Yes it is, but for who? For the you that thinks it lives inside a body and is seperate from the world or for You who lives in everything that there is?

Look, I’m not saying we shouldn’t lock up criminals and rapists. I’m not saying we should allow people to bomb others. All I’m saying is that we should love despite their faults. This way we maintain a clear vision. If we act out of ignorance and hate, we might end up creating more suffering than the accused did in the first place. The Iraq war is the perfect example of this. The United States were so angry after what happened at 9/11 that they felt like they ought to get rid of ‘evil-doers’. So, what happened next? They rallied up countries around the world to invade Iraq, who most likely didn’t have anything to do with the bombing. Ten thousands of people died in the process, with an estimate of about 8000 civilian non-combatants.

Also, I want to make clear that this is not something you should realise or should believe in. It doesn’t matter to me, since I’m not preaching to you. This is just how I look at the world and in the world I don’t see any division. I see everything as One and because of that I have allowed Love to run through me in degrees that I never even thought were possible. I simply like to share my experience and maybe inspire the people who resonate with this.

To me, You are already Perfect. I don’t want to change you, but if you ever feel like you should change yourself or change the world. If you’re always looking for something. If you feel like there’s always something missing, then perhaps it is time for you to realise that You already have everything and that everything is Perfect as it is. You or the Universe doesn’t lack anything. It doesn’t matter what you use to fill the Void, whether it be food, drugs, sex, games or tv. You will never reach Peace and Happiness if you don’t understand that the Void you’re trying to fill is what you really are and that this Void is actually filled with an infinite amount of Love.

“Wait, you just said I was the Universe and now you say I’m the Void?”

Yes, but these things are exactly the same thing, you see? Like I told you that Nothing created the Universe, this Nothing is also Everything. All things are One. Nothing is the same thing as Everything from God’s perspective. Good and evil are the same, black and white, love and hate, life and death, up and down, perfection and imperfection. All of these things are relative to each other. They imply each other. Without the distinction between one or the other neither could exist. What I’m trying to say here is that these distinctions are illusions. From an absolute point of view, from Gods or the Universes point of view, there is only Good, there is only Love, there is only Life and there is only Perfection. In this very same way there is no you and an opposing Universe, there is only You or only the Universe/God.

This is why it’s so hard to explain the world as I see it to others, because you have to experience this for yourself. All that I am doing is painting with words, but my words are not the painting. The painting is what You are, infinite, boundless, eternal, all-encompassing and loving. You are the source of all of Creation and guess what it likes to do, to create with Love.

“Wisdom is knowing I am nothing
Love is knowing I am everything
And between the two my life moves.”

~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Life Is Like A Love Simulation

Have you ever wondered if life has a meaning? Is there a reason for your existence? One could argue that there is no meaning, that life is in fact pointless. A part of me would agree with that. It is in a way absolutely meaningless and it doesn’t need a meaning. Life is somewhat like a playground with infinite possibilities. You can live any life you want and create all the meaning yourself, but ultimately there’s always a thing that you’re looking for.

It doesn’t matter what you’re doing in life, whether it be work, having fun, playing games, drinking with friends, making love or travelling around the world, the underlying reason is always the same. You are here to create, you are the right hand of God, experiencing your own creation in a way where you’re not conscious of being God yourself. You’re like the other side of the same coin. In this way you can experience your own creation without knowing exactly what’s going to happen next.

“But Stef, it would be great to be all powerful and be able to predict the future.”

No, it wouldn’t be. See that if you were able to have anything you want and you would get it right away, there would be no excitement in obtaining it anymore. You want a surprise. You want ups and downs, because it makes life all the sweeter.

So what is it that you ultimately are looking for?

Surprise, it’s Love.

Love is in everything that you do. Love is all that you do. Love is what You are. So, what then would you only want more of? Of course it’s Love. A really good way to look at life is like it’s a Love simulation. And the goal would be to become as loving as God himself. God or the Universe accepts and loves all of itself, despite its ‘imperfections’. You can be like that. You can love Yourself and all of Creation in infinite amounts, if you would want that.

“Yes, but if it’s a Love simulation, how come there is war, rape, murder and all this tragic stuff?”

That’s precisely because that’s the only way you learn how to love, indiscriminately and unconditionally. A pilot in a flight simulation wouldn’t have to fly a plane that’s in perfect condition all the time, would it? There would be nothing to learn. You have to learn how to love the hard stuff, not just the easy stuff. You have to learn that it’s okay to let go of ‘yourself’, to love the things that are not ‘you’. And if you can let go of ‘yourself’, by loving indiscriminately and unconditionally, you can allow yourself to become the full magnitude of what You really are.

Can you love yourself for All That You Are? What parts of yourself are you denying? What kind of people don’t you like? The parts that you don’t like about other people are also the parts that you don’t like about yourself. I know it seems like a very counterintuitive and tough process to undergo, but I assure you life will become more miraculous if you can train yourself to see through these things. And if you don’t want to do this or feel like you can’t, see that that is okay as well. You don’t have to feel guilty for disliking other people, for disliking parts of yourself. But if you could accept them and accept yourself fully your life will turn into something miraculous. You won’t ever feel bad about yourself again. You will love everyone and everything and see its infinite beauty. You won’t be limited by the lies you tell yourself anymore. You are NOT incapable of Love, you are NOT anything that you tell yourself to be. You are Love. You are God. All that you have ever wanted is within you. The walls you built against Love are the only thing preventing you from seeing it.

On that note, this week I’ll be on a solo meditation retreat in the woods. This is something that I like to do make progress on this journey. I think most people see it as some kind of way to relax and it surely is, but it’s also a very difficult thing to do. I’ll be alone for a week, not talking or communicating with anyone. I’ll be in meditation and digging deeper to find the parts of myself that need healing. Maybe you think of this as something you could never do yourself. You don’t have to. This is just my personal way to become more loving and humble. The retreat allows me to be more open and appreciative of life. It allows me to let go of myself and connect with God. This is not something I do to become a better person, since there is no me to become better. This is just something that I like to do, to feel the Love which is within me and let it purify me.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”


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    תוכלו לשאול חברים קרובים
    שכבר התנסו בעיסוי מפנק, או לגלוש גולשים
    ברשתות החברתיות. בעיסוי זה המעסה
    מתמק בעיקר באזור הגב. לצורך כך ניתן
    להיכנס לפורומים מקצועיים
    ברחבי הרשת ולשאול שם אנשים אובייקטיביים לגבי עיסוי ארוטי בראש העין באזור.
    ישנם מגוון רב של עיסויים אבל
    על מנת לעבור את הניסיון הראשון שלכם בעיסויים,
    הזמינו עכשיו עיסוי מפנק בצפון,
    במידה ואתם גרים באזור זה. פורטל VipSpa הוא פורטל אשר קם
    על מנת לייעל את תהליך בחירת מכוני ספא ברחבי הארץ.

    אריאב אחזקות הוקמה בראש ובראשונה
    על מנת לענות על צרכיהם של וועדי בית גדולים בצפון הארץ ולתת מענה לכל צורך המתעורר בתחזוקת בנייני מגורים ודירות פרטיות.
    לפטופ רחובות תיקון מחשבים ניידים הוקמה כדי לתת מענה ללקוחותיה שמחפשים היכן לתקן את המחשב הנייד שלהם / לתקן את האייפד שלהם ונתקלים רק
    במעבדות שמתעסקות בתיקון מחשבים נייחים ואינן מקצועיות
    בתיקון מחשבים ניידים.

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